A lofty ideal, but it ignores reality. The simple fact is that the MAGA movement is not now nor has ever been forgiving or nurturing to groups with which it disagrees. Indeed it is bent upon subjugating and even exterminating those it does not like by passing laws to dehumanize and demonize them. Such people, especially family members, are to be shunned and strongly condemned. Your call to forgive, nurture and respect others is a two-way street. The problem is that the prevailing side is not willing to respect the human rights. Indeed they are rubbing their hands in glee in anticipation of passing laws to make life a living hell for those they despise. There’s no way that they deserve respect in return.
Sorry I must strongly disagree. Your article is nothing but feel good pablum utterly divorced from reality. The lives of immigrants of color, transgender persons and any other group whom the MAGAts disapprove of are very much at risk. You are a middle class white women secure in your own home and station in society. You have zero understanding of the real world consequences of the recent election. When laws are passed which affect your quality of life and perhaps your very right to exist, then you can preach your feel good nonsense and I might agree. Until then I have little empathy or desire to reconcile with those who are intent on destroying and condemning me. This applies doubly to family members who should know better. Democrats did not destroy the social fabric and family structure of this Country. We have never wanted anything more than the same rights as any other citizen and the right to live our lives in peace. We don’t try to impose our values on anyone else or legislate their lives. That responsibility lies at the feet of the bigots supporting Trump.