locke besse
2 min readMar 26, 2024


Again, you confuse gender roles with gender identity. And to a degree you confuse reproductive functions with identity. Identity is a sense of belonging and compatibility with a specific gender. We can always engage in what aboutisms, but let’s keep this on a broader scale. Why do women like to gather and socialize together? Why do men like the activities they do? Again, this is not applicable to every man or every woman. Both genders are on a spectrum as to interests. But if you take a random woman, whether cis or Trans, and introduce them to a group of strangers, who did they ultimately end up making friends with and socializing with and sharing their life with as friends? I think you will find in most instances that men will associate with men and women with women.

It is a generalization, but most women tend to be empathetic and collaborative. Men tend to be problem oriented and competitive. Women tend to be nurturing. Men tend to be protective. There are reasons that men tend to watch action films and women romantic comedies. Their interests and world paradigms are different. Why? Brain biology.

If gender were merely a social construct, trans people could be resocialized to match their biological sexes. This has been repeatedly tried, and repeatedly failed. There is a reason that every major medical Association rejects conversion therapy (which is essentially a form of resocialization therapy) because it has not only been proven to be ineffective, but harmful. The reason is that gender is biological, not a social construct. The social construct aspect is merely role related. It has nothing to do with who people fundamentally are. Many trans women enjoy clothing and activities traditionally associated with women, but I have found that the motivation is primarily due to a desire to fit in and be viewed by society at large and other women, as women. This is where the socialization aspect kicks in. It is striving for authenticity, but this desire comes from the internal sense of a female identity.

Changing subjects, I apologize if you found my links to be overbearing. There is nothing in your biographical information to indicate how familiar you are with issues affecting transgender people. I assumed (apparently incorrectly) that your knowledge and experience was limited.



locke besse

Eclectic trans woman, terminally curious. Too many degrees. Trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up. Attract stray puppies and social outcasts