Algorithms used by social media platforms are definitely a big part of the problem. Also, totally unfettered dissemination of lies is out of control. There does need to be some balance. The question is how to accomplish it without infringing upon legitimate free-speech, where opinions differ. I am a former federal prosecutor. The one place I diverge with your analysis is in the issue of opinion versus facts. I read papers for instance, both for the reporting, and for the opinions expressed by their editorial boards. I understand the difference. I think most people do. The problem occurs when opinion is intertwined with facts to make the opinion seem like it is factual. In this one regard, I do not entirely agree with you. This is a legitimate problem you described, but I think most thoughtful, well-informed people can tell the difference. I wish there were an easy solution and something needs to be done, but it is difficult to know exactly what.