Member-only story
An Open Letter to All Trans and Non Binary Kids — #Letters4transkids
We all need Encouragement
June is Pride month. It is rapidly approaching. Normally that would be a cause for celebration, but this year there are dark storm clouds gathering on the horizon. Every year narrow minded legislators intoduce hundreds of bills aimed at restricting the rights of LGBTQ individuals. In the last two years, this trend has accelerated. Transgender youth have been singled out as particular targets. Besides the attempts to primarily restrict transgender girls from participating in girls sports, legislatures are beginning to propose criminalizing gender affirming care for transgender youth — as a felony, not a mere misdemeanor, which would be bad enough. Alabama has already done so and Texas governor Greg Abbott has attempted the same by executive fiat.
As if these trends were not troubling enough, too many recent legislative proposals attempt to prohibit even the acknowledgment of the existence of transgender people. Some of the hateful legislation has gone so far as to effectively prevent even the mere discussion of the existence of transgender people in school under the fiction of protecting parents’ rights by preventing the grooming or recruiting of children too young to understand. In an attempt to seem “reasonable”, the legislation is written in such a way as to only prevent this…