And how exactly do you determine what is sinful? By slavish adherence to the literal language of a very flawed book written by very human men thousands of years ago? It is not the owners manual that so many evangelicals state it is. It is a collection of writings by a variety of authors trying to explain the inexplicable. It is full of inspiring and life-changing concepts, but also ignorant and all too human standards which never reflected the mind of God and still do not today. To hold the view that somehow it is a precise set of standards for human behavior is to totally misunderstand its origin and message. I am a Christian. And I am appalled that people continue to have these kinds of attitudes. It is no wonder that the majority of Americans today despise Christians because of their smug sense of self superiority and judgmentalism. Try a little love. That is the core message of the gospel and the one which is attractive. When people are treated with love, their hearts and minds are changed. Hit them over the head with the club of your favorite verses or tell them they are sinful because you in your arrogance claim to know God’s will and expect to be rejected, rightfully so.