And your feelings and legalism are also irrelevant. I don’t even know where to begin. As with many legalistic fundamentalist intolerant Christians, you selectively choose verses without making any attempt to understand the whole of the gospel message. I made my comments to point out to you that half of the Bible that people want to take literally and use as a bludgeon to hit other people over the head with doesn’t say what they think it does. We could debate this ad nauseam. Jesus was about love. You obviously are not. “Speaking truth in love” is just another way of saying “love the sinner and hate the sin” which is an excuse for self righteous superiority and a way to justify the hate and rejection of other people. It creates smug self satisfaction which has nothing to do with the nature of God and a lot to do with your very flawed need for validation on your own terms. stop being so literal. You don’t even understand how many times the Bible has changed or the struggles that have occurred over the millennia to even decide what should be included in it. It is not as settled as you think it is. Take a step back and read everything in context, understanding that there are errors, allegories, and statements made as fact which are based upon the ignorance of the era on which it was written. Woven within the words is the experience of many people who encountered the divine. You have to read between the lines to understand what is really going on.
I don’t really know since you share nothing about yourself and hide behind an alias, but I suspect that you are a baby Christian who has been told that the literal words of the Bible cannot be challenged. This is problematic on so many levels. Reading it as a whole can be life transforming. Reading specific verses and taking them out of context can lead to ignorance and self righteousness. So far that is all that I see out of you. I hope you grow and learn. I pray you do.