As is typical with many right wing, narrow minded literalists. You are the one who’s twisting around the facts. One thing in particular you stated, is that Jesus rejected the people who wrote the Talmud and the Torah. This is a distortion of the truth. He stated quite clearly that he came to fulfill the law not to ban it. What he condemned was the intolerant legalism by the religious authorities of the day and their distortion of the meaning and application of ancient texts, in short people exactly like you and your ilk. He actually had a great deal of respect for the authors of the ancient writings. You twisted that into saying that he condemned the ancient writers because of the misapplication of the standards by contemporary religious authorities of his day. They misused potentially life affirming texts as a way to condemn and control the population. They set themselves up as judge, jury and final authority of God’s standards. Jesus saved his strongest condemnation for this group. He despised their self righteousness, arrogant sense of superiority, their need for power, recognition and adoration. Rather than drawing people to God, they drove them away. Does any of this sound familiar? Look in the mirror. You are definitely a modern day Pharisee. I am disappointed that you would so distort the truth. I would expect better, even from a narrow minded fundamentalist.