Assuming this is an honest question and you are not just a troll, yes I am, usually. it is nice to be appreciated as odd as that may sound. I know that most guys just view me as a sexual object of desire, but it is nice to be wanted instead of ignored. That just makes me feel ugly and undesirable.
That does not mean that a guy can do anything he wants to me. Like anyone, I want to be treated with respect and kindness. I want to be viewed as a person not just a toy for a guy’s pleasure. I have boundaries, which I hope they would respect.
Being more mature, I am confident in who I am. I don’t have the uncertainty of younger people still trying to find their way in relationships. I pretty much have seen it all. I am not as easily offended as many. I know how the game works and the fact that a guy wants to “inadvertently“ touch my breasts just means that I have something to offer which he likes. That is why I find it amusing. If we were to become seriously interested in one another, he would have full access to them. I am not threatened by his clumsy attempt to get a preview.