By the way Serano is a biologist. Sexologists focus on the process of making love, not gender identity. You need to be a real hard scientist to be informed and understand the issues. You like to talk about biology but are totally dismissive towards the important part, the brain. Gender is real because it is biological in the brain. it is hardwired. Until you get that through your head, you will continue to be ill-informed and bigoted.Apparently you have not done the research. The fact that you hide behind people like Stoller and Blanchard indicates your irrational bias. Their theories were discredited decades ago. Their scientific methodology was poor and their conclusions internally inconsistent. There’s so many things wrong with the “Research“ they did. If you really want to be informed, don’t just grab on to the first theory that feels good and intuitively makes sense to you. Look into the complexities of the issue to understand reality. The human species is far more complicated and diverse than you think it is. It is also interesting that I have received 20 comments to date on my comment to your article. Many of them are from scientists or people with a lot more knowledge and experience. Everyone has been supportive. You are a minority of exactly one. That should tell you something. Even if you think you are right, it would suggest that maybe you need to re-examine your position.