“ Do you think it’s natural and normal for people to be gay and transgendered though?“
Absolutely. Due to a little thing called Science. Decades ago doctors thought that trans and gay people were that way out of choice or mental defect. After attempting to “cure” them through mental health and conversion therapy techniques (which were uniformly disasters), they finally came to realize that being gay or trans were rare but normal variants among humans. The conditions could not be treated, because there was nothing to cure. It was just the way that some people were. They have their analogues in nature as well. Homosexual behavior has been observed among many mammalian species. Further, certain fish, reptiles and amphibians spontaneously change from one sex to another, depending upon a variety of primarily environmental and social factors.
Nature is not as binary as many humans assume. Doctors and scientists have finally come to realize after extensive research that gay and trans people are born that way. It is their innate nature. In the same way that a straight person would never consider a homosexual relationship, a heterosexual relationship would repulse a gay person. Why the different orientations? No one really knows for sure though a variety of hormonal, genetic and environmental factors have been identified.
Like you, many assume that being gay or trans is a choice, mental disease or due to having been groomed and indoctrinated. Because most people have a visceral aversion to the idea of being gay or trans, much of society assumes that the behavior/identity is unnatural, sinful and/or aberrant. It is what I would call the “yuck factor”.
What those who have this attitude fail to understand is that they are viewing gay and trans people through the lens of their own lived experience. They fail to realize that others can have a different orientation towards life and relationships which is equally healthy and normal for them though very different. This is what creates the conflict.
Politicians have capitalized on the general public’s natural aversion to being trans or gay by creating a climate of fear and and spreading disinformation under the guise of protecting the children. This is all pseudoscientific nonsense with no basis in reality. Children are very capable of understanding who they are from the age of 4. They know if their gender matches their external characteristics or not . They know whether they are attracted to people of the same or the opposite sex. This is hardwired internal self awareness, not learned behavior.
The cure for the vitriol of the current debate is education and understanding. A heterosexual person cannot be made gay or trans. A gay or trans person cannot be converted into being heterosexual. It is just the way that some people are. They want the same thing as everyone else – to live a normal life in peace with the same rights and respect as everyone else in society. Nothing more, nothing less. There is no gay or trans agenda.