I agree he often changes his politics, however he is currently affiliated with a group that you identified previously which is a Christian nationalist organization. I’m talking about affiliation not religious beliefs. Your point is a total red herring. You really need to do the research. Your ignorance is obvious in the fact that you use the term dysmorphia which is common to all human beings and merely means just some sort of dissatisfaction with the way one appears. It can be that your nose is too big or you are too fat or you don’t like your hair or whatever. We all suffer from it from time to time. It only becomes a pathology when it becomes a destructive preoccupation affecting the quality of one’s day-to-day life. It is a psychological condition that can be treated. Dysphoria is something entirely different. Before you go making absolutist statements, at least learn the proper usage of the terms and the scientific distinction. This is what I’m referring to. You can either be objective or you can start with an agenda and cherry pick extremist positions to support your pre-existing bias. Thoughtful objective people review the evidence from both sides. It is obvious you have not done that. Talking about the so called trans extremist agenda and indoctrination or socialization of people to be trans shows you have very little understanding of the science or the phenomenon of someone being transgender. Being trans is an innate characteristic of trans individuals. It is not a psychological derangement or defect, nor a fashion statement. It is very real. People cannot be talked into becoming trans. It is exceedingly rare and it’s something I would not wish on anyone. But trans people deserve respect. The trans activists who you seem so intent on criticizing or pushing back against are vocal because the community is under so much pressure from visible bigots and the harmful legislation which has been proposed in so many states. 260 bills this year alone and counting. Trans people don’t go around pushing an agenda to negate the legitimacy and rights of cis hetero normative people. They merely ask for the same respect as anyone else. I think little is accomplished by name-calling and I can agree that accusatory demeaning statements on both sides are over-the-top and not helpful. All I ask you to do is to review the science. I know it. You do not. I have always been respectful of the positions and opinions of those who disagree with me. I believe education is the answer. But that assumes that the person I am discussing something with is willing to take a step back and look at the situation objectively. The hate I see is mostly from the intolerant right. By the way I am a registered Republican, but I am appalled by the MAGAT phenomenon and the Tea Party movement. It has done a lot of damage to political discourse in this country.