I am a lawyer, though licensed in the US, not the UK. The two defenses that you posted suggest that there has to be an innocent purpose to the post. The exceptions would not seem to apply, but a lot of this is determined by case law precedent. Maya Forester is obviously a transphobe who is going out of her way to try to hurt the trans community. Her ill intent should be easily provable. Unless there is some sort of precedent in the UK that gives expansive protection to people who obviously do not have pure motives, that defense should not hold up. But I would need to know more about the case law. If I were the judge, I would reject her claim of innocent intent or public interest as being spurious and self-serving, not reflecting the reality of what the law was trying to protect and not the true motive behind her behavior. She certainly has enough history that one should be able to establish that Maya hates the trans community. She can hardly be considered someone who is posting something out of goodwill or as mere journalism in the public interest.