I am a member of numerous dating sites. I get hit on by guys all the time. Old ones, young ones, attractive buff ones, middle-age kind of dumpy ones. I talk to all of them. Sometimes the conversations start out well, but almost invariably quickly moves into the realm of they want to fuck me. They want to use me for their own enjoyment. Where is the fun and mutuality in that? I want a guy who respects me and who likes me and who I like in return. Someone who is kind and sensitive and intelligent and interesting. That is what melts my heart. I would gladly date and sleep with a guy like that. Are any out there? I’m not so sure. Most of the guys just seem to think with their little head. I’m not an object for a guy’s enjoyment. Maybe if guys started treating women like people rather than as sex objects, they might find that the women they are interested in are more responsive. We are not sex toys for their gratification.
PS: using a cute online name like hungdaddy or bigblackone is not a turn on. Also pictures of you sticking your tongue out or getting plastered with your friends is not a turn on. Try treating us like women not toys.