I am hardly anti-Christian. I have a BA in philosophy and religion from Swarthmore and a ministry degree from the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida. I attended parochial schools from 2nd grade through prep school. My whole life continuously was involved in religious studies. The problem with evangelicals is that they are not really Christians. They are cultural warriors who take bits and pieces of the Bible to shape their own world philosophy, which has nothing to do with the underlying message of the Bible itself. They also misinterpret and misapply much of what they find in biblical text. There are so many problems. I do not know where to begin.
Understanding the Bible is actually quite easy. It can be boiled down to unconditional love. Everything else is secondary. If you think evangelicals have something to teach, why are they so universally despised? The reason is that they are judgmental and smugly self-righteous. They resemble more the religious authorities of Jesus’ time than true enlightened spiritual leaders. They have done more damage to the acceptance of Christianity than any other single group. And that is sad. The authentic message of Christianity has universal appeal, which is the reason it has survived and prospered for over 2000 years.