I am hardly close minded, but I require evidence. Mood changes and physical changes are related to changing hormone levels, not the time of month. To suggest that the anecdotal evidence you keep referring to (without any supporting evidence as to the numbers or the study) is dispositive is unconvincing. I need more.
You accuse me of falling back on the not enough research has been done argument. You are the one who provided the links to the articles that disprove your claim. They are not things that I came up with. I am just using your information to rebut your assertion.
I am very supportive of everyone, and never question people’s claims about themselves in terms of identity. However, when they push pseudoscience as fact, that is where I draw the line. There is absolutely nothing to suggest that PMS like symptoms can occur without a change in hormone levels. It does not occur in cis women, and there is no reason nor evidence that it would occur in trans women either without a change in hormone level. Prove me wrong.