I did read the article you linked to me and it was vague on the hard science. Your new link is much more to the point and takes the kind of approach that I applaud. I would go further though to address some of your reservations (which I suspect were stated in the way they were to be diplomatic rather than reflecting any true internal doubt you may have). Psychologists have been studying for a number of years the way that trans children answers certain psychological profile questions where boys and girls respond differently. Not surprisingly, the transgender children answer the questions the same way that their cis counterparts do. The Cleveland Clinic for a number of years has been doing pet scans of transgendered individuals being subjected to stimuli while scanned where males and females react differently. Again the trans individuals’ brains light up the same way as their cis counterparts, not their gender assigned at birth. These are only two of a large number of studies that reached the same conclusion. It is relatively certain that trans brains differ from cis brains in their function. Since these kinds of tests can be performed relatively cheaply, (at least the ones asking psychological questions), there is no reason that trans individuals should be concerned about additional gatekeeping or costs. I for one would love to have further confirmation of what I already know to be the case. It is exactly these kinds of objective scientific studies which will ultimately sway the attitude of the general public towards accepting that trans individuals are authentic and do differ from cis people in the way they perceive themselves because their brain biology is different. It adds legitimacy to our community as a group.