I don’t disagree that we will learn more about the dynamics as the years go on. You also hit on a valid point, which is that gender is a spectrum, not binary for transgender people. That muddies the observations somewhat. But when you look at binary transgender people, the experimental results are clear and the solutions well established. This is even true for very young children who develop their sense of gender around four years old. Does this mean that there are not people who are intrigued with the concept of being transgender rather than actually being so? No. But that is the reason we let children explore their identities. If they are in fact transgender, they will not grow out of it. If they are not, it will be a phase that they will move beyond. That is why it is important to move slowly and let people figure themselves out, but it is not a reason to conclude that current therapy modalities are less than effective or could be substantially improved upon. That is something quite different, and I would strongly disagree with that conclusion.