I found myself in stitches over this. But I also loved your serious point. Being a trans woman, when I first started dating guys, they would always brag about their 12 or 13 inch Italian sausages. I would say to them, what do you expect me to do with it? I only have so much room in all my holes. I am deeper than the average girl at about 7 inches, but what do I do with the other five? They seemed to think they were God’s gift to women. I knew a relationship probably was not going anywhere when they used online names such as hungdaddy, mr. tearyouup or roughnreadytoride . They seemed to be proud of their “clever advertisements”. I just realized that they were obsessed with the size of their little head, as if it would make every girl swoon and involuntarily spread her legs. Are they really that clueless? I guess most of them are.
I’m more interested in a guy’s big head, you know, the one that actually has a brain, assuming it is functional and not dominated by their cucumber. Who wants to be treated just as a sex object that some guy promises he will rip to shreds? What is sexy about that? I don’t know about you, but I like romance, love and tenderness. Being treated as an organic blowup doll has no appeal to me. Give me an average size guy any day, one who actually has some personality, can hold a conversation using more than two syllable words, and likes me as a person. They are the ones that make my heart melt. The others? There are a lot of wooly sheep out there who probably would not complain. I understand they are almost as good as a real woman and they don’t do anything inconvenient —like actually, you know, talk.