I just noticed that you are a gay dad and funeral celebrant. I am a passable postop, transgender woman. I am also one of faith. I abhor the current Christian Nationalism that is being used to oppress people like you and me. For those willing to do the research, it is very clear that this rather troublesome time is far removed from the authentic message of Christianity.
I have written about it elsewhere, but the authors of the Torah, which fundamentalists so revere, recognized eight genders. Each was equally respected in ancient society. There are male and female. There are also androgynous people whose sex is indeterminate. And there are people who do not seem to resemble either sex . The last four are most interesting. Two of them are composed of people who were born male and became female at puberty and vice versa. The last two, for someone like me, are particularly noteworthy. They were people who were born either male or female, and by human intervention became the other gender later in life. These are people we would call transgender today. In many ways, ancient society was far more tolerant than our supposedly more enlightened one is today.