I live in Florida. I know a number of trans women. My best friend (MTF) hangs out with me frequently in Florida (though she is from New Jersey). We go out frequently. Some of the venues are trans friendly, but a lot of times it’s just ordinary restaurants or stores, or even airports or other public places. We have used all kinds of restrooms. Some of them are limited in size, but some of them are the expansive kind you find in public places that are full of women. We have never gotten so much as a sideways glance much less a snide comment or told to leave.
It helps that I am passable and never clocked, though sometimes looked at carefully because I’m a little over 6 feet. I occasionally think about how I would react if someone told me to leave. Being postop, I would refuse and stay in the ladies room. The men’s room is not an appropriate place for me regardless of the fact the laws dictate otherwise. I technically violate them frequently, but I would stand my ground on this particular issue, if it ever were to arise. To date it hasn’t and I really do not worry about it ever becoming a problem in the future. Most people ignore you if you act like you belong and move through the world confidently. I find this is true even for the trans women I know who are not particularly passable.
Most people are kind and considerate, in spite of the horrible reputation Florida is quickly getting (not undeservedly, I might add) because of the horrible legislation continually being passed by our bigoted Christo fascist Republican legislature and governor.
The main impact the current legislative environment has had on me, is to cause me to lose a number of my medical specialists. I have lost my endocrinologist, urologist and gynecologist because of the anti-trans medical legislation that was enacted in recent years. Essentially the state criminalized part of their practices, and they had to leave. I have been able to successfully replace them, but it has been inconvenient to say the least.
As of the current date, I have not changed my name on my IDs. All of my medical providers and the professionals I deal with know me by my preferred name, so I have had no sense of urgency. However, it is something I will be addressing in the near future. Florida has proposed legislation to require drivers licenses to contain the gender corresponding to the sex assigned at birth. They do not allow for revision of birth certificates. This could present a problem. When I get my birth certificate changed in Utah (where I was born.) I will likely get a license re-issued in a more progressive state such as New Jersey. Then I will apply for a Florida license using my New Jersey ID. If need be, I will lie on the attestation part and take my chances.
The fact that the state of Florida is engaging in continuous unconstitutional conduct attempting to take away my legal rights does not mean that I have to blindly accept the limitations they are trying to impose. In someways I look forward to challenging them if it were ever to become an issue.