I remember when I was younger and sitting with the choir during a sermon how I was worried that I was not good enough and destined for hell. As I have grown, I have stopped hanging on every punitive legalistic rule and have achieved the perspective to realize that much of the Bible was written by very fallible men trying their best to understand the divine and set a godly standard for themselves and others. They were doing the best they could.
These days, I focus on all that is good and pure and uplifting in the sacred words that comfort us and motivate us to become better people. Love, forgiveness, uncritical acceptance, being open and encouraging. These are the marks of a true Christian. I often describe myself as someone who too often falls face down in the mud as I stumble along the way towards God. Rather than pulling people down beside me or wallowing in my misery, I get up and try again. That is what God asks in my opinion – to keep trying. I will never get it entirely right in this life, but I always strive to do my best and God knows my heart. Every day I think I understand His a little better. Some day I will be complete in His presence. In the meantime I try to be kind and loving. I will continue to get up when I fall and help those who are companions on the path. Let me be your servant. Pray that I may have the grace to let you be my servant too. We are all in this together.