I tried to keep it basic to make a point. Just enough detail to my daughter so she knew where I was coming from because she knows the Bible inside and out. I did not need to belabor the point. I sense some similarities with how your mother might act. Assuming she has not rigidly accepted the lies perpetuated by many churches and understands the true gospel message , she should ultimately come around. The Bible can be summarized in three words. It is unassailable both as an eternal truth and a code to live by: Love…no buts. So when your mother says i love you, but cannot accept your… the response is what part of no buts do you not understand? God did not put any conditions on his love for his creation. he loves each us unconditionally, passionately. He only wants us to be happy and love Him and one another. It is as simple and as complicated as that. I trust that she is motivated by that kind of love. if so you will find your way back to one another. I certainly hope so.❤️