I would like to see a clerk of the court or similar official who has a conscience, turn this around to penalize those who push such a hateful agenda. Since you can refuse to solemnize any marriage on the basis of religious beliefs, it seems to me that it would be appropriate to refuse to solemnize the marriage of a narrow minded, bigoted quasi-Christian, because they offend my belief that Christianity is based upon a principle of love, not hate. Their attitudes are abhorrent to me.
If I were the clerk of a court in Tennessee, I would refuse to solemnize the marriage of any of these bigots due to my religious belief that they are evil sinners who should be shunned. After all, Jesus saved his strongest criticism for the Pharisees and other religious authorities. He refused to commune with them, preferring the company of sinners and tax collectors. I would view my refusal as much the same kind of action that Jesus took with regard to the bigots of his time. I wonder how that would go over with the politicians.