Interesting that your cited resource relies upon overinflated Russian estimations. There are much better sources available. Do the research. If you really have a PhD, you should be able to find a good number based on objective facts which is way below what you are estimating. The kind of losses that you were describing have actually been suffered by the Russian army because they’re battlefield iTriage and medical care away from the lines is so poor. The Ukrainians have robust medical capabilities more modeled after western practice. The death rate is actually quite low, even for those seriously wounded. Not so with the Russian federation, where the death rate is exceptionally high for a modern army due to poor logistics and lack of field kits. The most recent groups were told to use tampons to staunch bullet wounds. It gives you an idea of the crudeness of frontline medical treatment by the Russian federation. I would suggest that you read the articles by those with actual military experience, or who are embedded somewhere in Ukraine. If you want an accurate picture, listening to an I’ll informed politician, likely with an agenda, is not the way to get to the truth. You need to see what the people on the ground are saying.