Let’s see. I have a degree in philosophy and religion from an elite northeastern university. I attended and completed the school for ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of Southwest Florida. I have taken and taught innumerable courses in biblical exegesis including understanding the language in which much of it was written, which most have no clue about. And I’ve read works by the earliest authors going all the way back to Saint Augustine and coming forward to the modern times. Ignorance? Hardly. It is the fundamentalists who hang on every word in our modern version of the Bible who have it wrong. I have spent my life in renewal ministry, including ministering to inmates for over 30 years in an ecumenical Christian-based program. I work with the homeless and the downtrodden. I have no question about my understanding of the Bible. And I really have nothing further to discuss with someone who hangs on every word of a book that has changed over the centuries, as if it is somehow sacrosanct. It is not. There is much that the Bible reveals about the nature of God, but to take it literally is simplistic. The one who is picking and choosing is you, not me. Obviously we have a fundamental disagreement and nothing further to discuss.