Let’s set aside the issue of the divinity versus the mythology of Jesus for a moment and examine how Christianity can be saved. The outdated and paternalistic worldview that was prevalent at the time most of the Bible was written, clearly does not apply to the modern world with our greater scientific knowledge. Much of it is full of inconsistencies, inaccuracies, allegories and standards which reflect the all too human frailties and prejudices of its various authors.
However, the example of Jesus is still life transforming and affirming today. If we focus on the core message of love, compassion, forgiveness, and acceptance of all, and eliminate the concept of inerrancy of scripture as a whole, there is an alternate path. We do not need to mythologize Christ or try to undermine the person of Jesus by looking for comparisons to other ancient religions. Too many of the historians of the day observed that something very unusual and miraculous happened. Thousands of people witnessed the events surrounding Jesus’ life and resurrection.
I tend to agree with Gerald’s comment. Whether one accepts Jesus’ divinity or considers him merely human, there is no question his example is to be admired and emulated. That is the true power of Christianity. It is not necessary to reject Jesus to save Christianity, since he is at the core of Christian theology. It is the other supposedly “inerrant” books which need to be revisited and rejected where necessary. The key to good Bible scholarship is to read it critically as a whole rather than blindly accepting every word.