InWise & WellbyJohn Kruse MD, PhDThe Surge in Transgender Individuals Generates Huge PushbackMuch remains unknown, but substantial medical science shows that affirmative transgender care helps.Jan 1632Jan 1632
InThe Grim HistorianbyCarlyn BecciaThe Four Horseman Are Bored, And Yet Declinism Continues To RiseThroughout history, declinism has hurt democracy.Nov 20, 20247Nov 20, 20247
Jack MolayDonald Trump’s horrific plan for transgender peopleWarning: The content of this article may be traumatizing for trans people living in the US.Nov 8, 202437Nov 8, 202437
InScience and Critical ThinkingbyDavid GambleYou really really can’t Pray Away The GayStep by step the world is becoming a better place. On Sep 18, 2024 Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear took one of those steps.Sep 25, 20242Sep 25, 20242
InMy Trans ChildbyCassie BrighterA Rebuttal of the Deeply-Flawed Cass ReportWhy Trans Healthcare Must Be Governed by Transgender PeopleSep 6, 20241Sep 6, 20241
InPrism & PenbyKaylin HamiltonOlympic Study Challenges Assumption Trans Women Have ‘Male Advantage’Comparing cisgender and transgender athletes under lab conditions shows that trans women are at a disadvantage on several measuresMay 2, 202411May 2, 202411
Jack MolayOn how language and culture make people homophobic and transphobicIn an article about anti-transgender activism in Spanish speaking countries Amilka González makes some very interesting observations about…Sep 22, 20231Sep 22, 20231