My apologies for the confusion. I did not pick up on the fact that you were not in the US. However, I would still hold to my comment that countries are stronger when they respect and include all of their citizens, no matter what their beliefs or identities, into full membership in their societies. That is what is lacking in the US at the moment. The far right has declared war on anyone who is not a white theocratic nationalist. They are fighting a losing battle. History and demographics are stacked against them. This country is actually stronger by finally beginning to recognize the rightful place of all those who have been marginalized for centuries. What you call a fuss over pronouns is actually a fight for respect. It is long overdue. How would you feel if I called you “that woman” or referred to you as “she”? It would probably chafe at you. The fight over pronouns may seem silly on the surface, but represents a proper way to push back against those unwilling to acknowledge or respect someone’s identity. The solution is easy. Refer to someone by the gender with which they identify. The world does for you. Why not for trans people as well? Trans genders are not a choice or psychological defect. They are equally as valid as cis genders.