No again. Gender dysphoria is not curable. Some children think they are transgender because it is trendy, but if so they outgrow it especially with good mental health therapy. You either are or are not. No one is doing surgeries on young children. Are there a few practitioners who maybe did some thing they should not have? Maybe so. But these are outliers. The frontline care for children is mental health analysis. Only as they reach puberty and experience extreme anxiety at the prospect of being forced to go through a transformation that scares them, are puberty blockers prescribed. Some of the research you claim to be identifying is related to intersex people. Decades ago, parents and obstetricians made a choice of what to do about the ambiguous genitalia. Many of the decisions were disastrous because they did not understand you could not convert a girl into a boy in terms of gender perception or vice versa. Today medical practitioners are more enlightened and will wait for the child to mature and make his or her own choice. Then a decision is made as to what kind of corrective surgery is available. Everything you are saying is a mishmash of things taken out of context, no longer part of good practice because our knowledge base is better, or based upon total fabrication. That’s why I said, I don’t wish to engage with trolls. They won’t listen and have no training or expertise or real knowledge. I do. I have three medical degrees. What do you have?