One of the reasons I went into such detail is that I thought my own experience would resonate with you. We are both trans women. I think it is also important to share with the world so that others who have been deeply hurt know that they are not alone and that there are people who suffered the same thing and understand and empathize. My story only differs from yours in that the incident occurred when I was still firmly male in appearance and presentation. I like to think that even the worst things that happen to us can be converted into something positive in the way we live our lives.
For over 30 years I worked with inmates in prison through the Kairos prison ministry program. Often I would give a four part series of meditations on forgiveness. My experience was frequently one of the things I shared. The guys were often dumbfounded and incredibly sympathetic. They had each suffered trauma in their own lives, maybe not exactly like mine, but things which nevertheless hurt them deeply. Showing them that there was a way out, a way to heal, helped give them hope that things could get better. I think we each need that. Sometimes we find ourselves in such a deep dark hole that we think nothing will ever be good again. Our lives are over. My frequent presentations were in many ways as healing for me as they were for my audience. A group was listening who finally understood what I had been through and were supportive. It is ironic that I had to go to prison to find that understanding and empathy. I always look forward to your articles. I find we have so much in common and think so much alike. You often are the trigger for me to share my own thoughts and experiences. Some of my best writing has occurred with you as my muse.❤️