People push back against the problems in society in a variety of ways. One way is to adopt the lifestyle or means of socialization which do not match the generally accepted standard. It is a lifestyle choice. In the case of trans people however, it is not a matter of choice or opinion. We are real and a normal variation of the human species. Not recognizing this, and trying to treat us as other is exactly the problem. Many otherwise well meaning women hold a subconscious bias against trans women.
I am a passable post op trans woman who can wander into any women’s private space and never get a second glance. I could live my life in stealth, but choose not to do so. Like many of my cis women friends, I am a bit uncomfortable if a pre-op trans woman enters the locker room and disrobes. The discomfort is real and understandable, but that does not mean that we can erase the rights and validity of those who do not look like me. There may be a need for some compromises to be made for more private dressing areas for those who do not appear externally to be women. But we cannot segregate them or treat them as other. They have the same right to acceptance and respect as any other woman.
I write about trans issues frequently. I have often seen many otherwise accepting women suggest that the solution was to treat trans women as a separate class of women. This inherently diminishes their validity and authenticity. 50 years ago, the standard was separate but equal by society in connection with the treatment of people of color. It placated the sensibilities of the white majority , but ultimately was seen for what it was—the diminishing of the humanity and the rights of Black people. They were seen as less than fully human. That is no longer the standard and most people now see how inherently evil that concept was.
We have a long ways to go to reach the point where society treats trans women the same way. We need to get there. It is not a matter opinion. It is a matter of respect for the humanity of trans people and acceptance of the important biology of the brain where each of our sense of self-awareness and identity resides. External characteristics can be changed. The brain cannot. It is ultimately the brain which is most important.