Pinochet is a bad example. He came to power in a military coup in 1973 which overthrew the duly elected government of Allende. During his rule he was a corrupt autocrat who brutalized his people and enriched himself at the expense of the country. His removal was long overdue. Towards the end of his life he was put on trial by his own Chilean court for over 300 violations of human rights. He would have been convicted had he not died first. Your premise is that the US often intervenes in other countries’ affairs for purely selfish national interest purposes. Nothing could be further from the truth. The US intervenes to promote the safety, security and freedom of the people it tries to assist from brutal dictators and autocrats. Its decisions are sometimes ill advised (witness Vietnam which was heavily protested by the American public at home), but the US motivation is always to promote peace, world wide stability, freedom and prosperity, not to subjugate and oppress others. The same cannot be said of Putin’s Russia.