Sigh, sigh, sigh, siiiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhh?! Sigh, sigh, sigh, Okay. Sigh? Let’s do this. Yay. I feel incredible. Why did I wait so long? Oh yeah, I get it. All of us get it. Everyone who struggles with gender dysphoria understands. There is so much that’s going to change. There are so many that might get hurt. Sigh. But then can we continue to hurt ourselves? Sigh. Won’t my life—all of our lives—be better when I am finally happy? Okay. It is such a big decision. To cross the final frontier with no hope of ever going back. Thrilling. Scary. Compelling. Ridiculous. Inevitable. Sigh.
8 days, 17 1/2 hours ago I was reborn. I awoke from surgery and noticed — nothing. I was prepared to feel different, but not like this. I felt nothing down there. I felt streamlined. I felt like the me I always knew I was. It was the most amazing thing. In my anesthetic haze I cried, cried tears of joy. No more sighing. I had become a card carrying member of the sorority. I had struggled so long with authenticity. Sigh. Would the world accept me? Did I pass well enough? Would my friends and family reject me as a dress up fraud? Were the FFS and the hormones enough? I didn’t know who I was anymore. Sigh. Would I ever? Sigh. But now, no more sighing. I feel wonderful. Before the procedure my surgeon looked at me and said V Day. Are you ready? I was. I didn’t know how ready I was. Time to stop sighing. Emma, I’ve seen pictures of you. You’re beautiful. How could anyone and everyone not love you? Sig… Nope. No more sighing.