Spoken like a true laissez faire libertarian. What you fail to appreciate is that government policies are a way of shaping society to be more equitable and provide for needs that otherwise would not be met because they are not profitable. Where do you think roads come from? Or the Internet or telephones? Planes would not fly without air traffic controllers. There would be no fire departments. Water would be hopelessly contaminated, but for environmental laws. There are thousands of ways in which government protects us and makes our lives qualitatively better. Many of these things cost money rather than creating it. Most people do not understand this. Apparently you do not either. You can view government as a necessary evil if you would like, but the world would be a far darker, more dangerous and less hospitable place without enlightened governmental policies.
And yes, most people are too stupid to manage their money properly. It is exhibited every day. And unfortunately, too many struggle just to survive paycheck to paycheck. They don’t even have the opportunity to save and invest. This is one of the problems with the increased inequity in distribution of wealth in today’s society. It has gotten out of hand again.