The grooming and conversion fallacy is all too prevalent. People cannot be talked into being trans, nor can they be talked out of it. Without being aware of any statistics on the subject, it would not surprise me if we see more younger people experimenting with a trans identity because of the higher visibility and acceptance of the community today. If they are truly trans, it will persist. If they are not, it will be a phase they outgrow. As you correctly pointed out, let kids experiment. They do this all the time with the trendiest toys or fashions or musical tastes. The fact that they are experimenting does not mean that anyone is being changed from straight to trans. If it is a phase, they will outgrow it.
My youngest daughter, when she was a teenager, experimented with orange hair and cranberry hair and even goth styles for a while. As she matured she outgrew these. It is a normal process of children maturing and finding their way in life. A good example of giving kids leeway to experiment and figuring it out for themselves is the daughter of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt who thought she was transmasc at 16. After a couple of years she realized she was just a normal cis girl. Now she has reverted back to her original identity. Brad and Angelina were enlightened enough to let her experiment and find her way. It worked out in the end. It will for other children as well. Whatever they are, ultimately they will understand their true identity.