The problem is you keep citing as authority a book written by men. It was not dictated by God to men who merely scribbled it down. It is the very flawed writings of an an ancient people that have no relevance to the actual question. This is the problem with too many Christians. They blindly accept a book as being an absolute authority which was written by human beings who made lots of mistakes. Citing verses is not convincing. It has nothing to do with the nature of God. It is merely some archaic ignorant men’s opinions about what is right and wrong. Your comment using Ezekiel is not authoritative in the slightest. Too many Christians have been indoctrinated to believe that somehow the Bible is an unquestioned absolute authority, revealing the nature of God. In actuality, it is a very flawed book by which an ancient people tried to explain the nature of the universe and God’s interaction with it. There are some inspired things which indicate that some of them had an experience of the divine. But there is also a lot of archaic nonsense, particularly in the Old Testament. Try thinking critically. If your source for your argument is merely verses out of the book, you are going down the wrong path. Try reading it as a whole to understand how God has revealed himself, and what his attitude is towards his creation. That is the beginning of wisdom.