There are names for your point of view. It is called trans phobic nonsense and bigotry. You seem to accept the right of trans people to exist, but then immediately dismiss them as unimportant and somehow destructive to the progressive agenda. If you bothered to do the research into women’s sports you would discover that trans women do not have a competitive advantage, not even Lia Thomas. Read the recent article in the New Yorker Magazine about her. It dispels many of the lies circulating at the moment, using statistics. (Horrors! Evidence!?) She is prominent currently because of her success in college swimming against mostly mediocre fields. The gut reflex conclusion is that her 6’5” height and male origin must have given her an unfair advantage. In truth, in world class women’s swimming in general, she is only fairly average. Do the research. Don’t get caught up in the same transgender bigoted nonsense that too much of the rest of the country has.
Both the IOC and the NCAA have spent decades researching the issue of trans women competing in women’s sports to assure fairness. They have established standards based upon science, not the same kind of irrational fear that both you and M. Meyers seem to have. Those standards were driven by science, by the best and brightest minds in the medical community. Do you really think your uninformed opinion is better than theirs? That is the height of arrogance, the same kind of arrogance you accuse Republicans and Fox News watchers of. A little less emotional nonsense please.