There was a time that the Bible was used to justify slavery and the subjugation of women. Even today we see this among the evangelical right, at least with regard to women. Religious understanding has evolved over the centuries. In many ways, the modern expression of Christianity would be unrecognizable by the Christians of the first century, who had a much purer view of the nature of God and His call to mankind. Would that we could get back to those close knit communities filled with love, compassion, egalitarianism and forgiveness. They tried (successfully) to attract followers, not beat them over the head with the club of their religion.
The original message resonates with the human spirit and led to the explosion of Christianity around the world. Many modern-day Christians, especially the most vocal ones, far more resemble the self righteous, judgmental Pharisees of Jesus’ time. There is a reason he saved his strongest criticism for the religious caste.