Well written article. I always chafe when commentators accuse the US of being a hegemon. A hegemon is a country that has dominant influence or authority over another country. The US may have engaged in some disastrous miltary adventures and been frequently naive and tone death in understanding the dynamics of other societies, but for the most part the goal was to bring freedom to people it viewed as living under oppressive regimes, many of which posed threats to their neighbors.
After the conflicts were over, it has always withdrawn to allow the native populations to engage in the process of self determination about their futures and stood ready to provide financial and other assistance in the process. As you rightly ask the misguided critics, where do you want to live? When I have raised the same question of them, it has always been met with deafening silence. If they really think another country has a better form of government, they are free to vote with their feet and move there. I haven’t seen any of them apply for residential visas to any autocratic ones. I wonder why.