What a load of hooey. The United States is not perfect, but the press is free, not controlled by the central government. The truth eventually comes out. We ultimately were informed of the fact that Saddam Hussein in fact had no chemical weapons. That put the lie to the initial narrative. Exactly the opposite is the case in Russia where the news media is controlled by the state, no dissent is allowed, propaganda is the order of the day, people who disagree are jailed, poisoned or die in mysterious accidents like falling off of balconies. Public protests are brutally suppressed, people thrown into prison. You don’t see anything like that in the United States. We have an open and free press. It is only in totalitarian regimes who try to control the narrative and feed lies to their populace that we have the kinds of conditions you try to attribute to the United States. The US moved to give Ukraine the tools to defend itself when it was clear that Putin would likely start an invasion. Up till the very end he was encouraged not to do that. He didn’t listen. His imperialistic ambitions would not allow him. The justification for his invasion to protect ethnic Russians and denazify Ukraine has repeatedly been shown to be another fabrication. There were no Nazis. And the Russian speaking population also identified as Ukrainians and for the most part were bilingual. They never identified as part of the Russian federation. Any goodwill which may have existed pre-invasion has been obliterated by Putin’s brutality. Russia will be hated by the Ukrainians for generations. Even today, it Putin were to exhibit the slightest bit of sanity and humanity, the war could be ended by his withdraw to the borders as they existed pre-2014 which Russia agreed to respect in the Budapest accord of 1994, promising not to invade or threaten to invade Ukraine if they gave up their nuclear weapons. Ukraine complied. Putin broke his promise. Typical. As I said at the outset, what a bunch of hooey.