What thousands of trans women? I see no evidence of that in any of the things you provided. That is my point. There is an article that discusses the experience of six trans women anecdotally, which is repeated in multiple places. There is nothing to suggest there are literally thousands. That is my whole point. If this were really a phenomenon, we would see it well publicized. I spend a large amount of my time researching trans issues. Until you wrote your article, I have never seen any similar suggestion in any legitimate source. I completely ignore social media. Apparently you do not.
What I have seen are many transwomen who are upset about being attacked for not having a uterus, and therefore not being able to menstruate. This is a common argument by many TERFs currently. People talk about getting PMS like symptoms on HRT, which I have repeatedly acknowledged as a real thing. Why wouldn’t it be? Hormones have the same effect on any of us regardless of our sex assigned at birth. Where I draw the line is when people say that they have the equivalent of a menstrual cycle. If you read the claims carefully, you will see that trans women talk about their PMS like symptoms. There is not really any coherent discussion of having a menstrual cycle per se. The two ideas are completely different.
But apparently you are the one who is not willing to listen. I have read carefully everything you have provided, including the sources you have linked to. You, by your own admission, are ignoring what I have shared and the contrary conclusions I have highlighted in the very articles you offer as proof.
This is not a coherent conversation or discussion about facts. This is you pouting that I have not bought into your novel theory. I was generous enough to acknowledge the remote possibility that maybe you were onto something in my original comment. The more adamant you have become, the more convinced I am becoming that you are merely deluded, and this is wishful thinking. That makes me wonder what is going on to make you so defensive. It certainly has nothing to do with me.
I politely responded to your original article. In it, you acknowledged repeatedly that you were likely to get significant disagreement with your conclusion. You were obviously expecting it. I stated clearly upfront that I was skeptical. I gave you the chance to respond in a reasonable way, but you have become increasingly hostile in attacking me personally while providing no support for your premise other than repeatedly shouting that I am disrespecting the experience of thousands of trans women without providing a single shred of legitimate evidence as to their existence other than period panty advertisements and anecdotal statements taken out of context in studies that have nothing to do with the question of whether trans women have menstrual like cycles.
Personally, it makes no difference to me one way or another as to whether trans women have cyclical PMS like syndromes. It does not make them any less of a woman if they do not.