Winston Churchill famously said after the end of the Second World War, democracy is the worst form of government – except all the others. In this he was absolutely correct. Democracy is messy. At the moment we are seeing a wave of populism in the US which is regressive and in many ways very similar to what is happening in Russia where a small group is trying to impose its will on everyone else. But that is not the American way. Mexico is a sovereign government that is beset by corruption and control by drug cartels. There is only so much we can do. The change in any given country has to come from within. Their leaders and population have to embrace the idea of freedom and equality. Where this is lacking, no amount of aid will improve the situation. Mexico is not part of the United States. It is a sovreign country. While there was a time a hundred years ago or so where the US may have had a desire to extend its influence around the world, today the attitude of the vast majority of us is to help where help is needed. We don’t want to control or dominate anyone. We just want to give everyone the right to live in peace and prosperity. This is not an existential struggle between two different and equally valid social philosophies. The countries with imperialistic instincts who want to impose their narrowminded views on the rest of the world, or at least their neighbors, is where the struggle lies. Let each country make its own decisions. Assuming you are in fact living in the United States, you have learned nothing. If you think you have a better idea, get involved in politics and make your views known. Most thinking Americans would laugh you out of the room. It does not reflect who we are. For a long time, our southern border has been beset by people desiring to emigrate to the US because of the promise of better opportunity and a better life. I do not see anyone knocking on the doors of Russia to get in. To the extent it has control over its neighbors, it has done so at the barrel of a gun, not by offering an attractive alternative.