You and I are on the same page with regard to how to create broader understanding and acceptance of trans individuals. As we educate the general public that this is a matter of immutable biology, not performative whim, the battle will slowly be won. Paradoxically, I have noticed that there are many in the trans community who push back against the idea that being trans is a matter of science. Apparently this is driven by fear of a new round of gatekeeping. I think these concerns are overblown.
The bigger battle is for acceptance and full inclusion in the fabric of society. This can only be accomplished when the public understands that trans people are a legitimate and natural variant of the human species. We are neither mentally disturbed nor sinful as so many seem to think.
Education regarding the objective facts is always the antidote to bigotry and prejudice, driven by irrational fear of people who are other. Most people are uncomfortable when their understanding of their safe, familiar world begins to change. It takes time for society to process new information and evolve in their understanding. I agree with you. It is a slow process, and we should be patient.