You are absolutely correct that this country has a shameful history of systemic racism, and that the MAGA crowd has raised this to a new level of intensity that we have not seen in a long time. Are they and Trump attacking these three black female prosecutors because they are black and female? That is undoubtedly part of the reason. However, I think that more fundamentally , their vitriol is based upon a desire to control the lives of anyone not like them and unilaterally impose their regressive social standards on everyone else. If you are not white, male, and a fundamentalist Christian you are fair game.
Ron De Satan may have removed Monique Worrell from her position as state attorney in Orlando, but he also removed a white male, Andrew Warren, who was a democratically elected state attorney in Hillsborough County, because he indicated he would not prosecute women seeking an abortion in violation of the state’s new unreasonably restrictive abortion standards. They were not even law when he took that action. The man is a would be autocrat who brooks no dissent from his hateful policies, no matter what the will of the people is.
There is no question that racism is a big part of the criticism of the three black female prosecutors presiding over Trump’s cases. However, I think the real motivation goes deeper than that. A very vocal minority in this country is trying to turn back the clock to a time when white men were in absolute control, and no one else had any rights in this country. We have come a long way. We can’t let them drown out the voice of reason and get away with their regressive criminal behavior. We can’t let an entitled criminal get away with his grievous crimes just because he is a white male. Those days of privilege are dying. It is about time that we drove the point home by prosecuting those who think they are above the law.