You are assuming they are not. All of us who are trans are pushing for better access to healthcare and better quality care. You have it exactly backwards. We have come a long ways, but we still have a ways to go. But your insistence that detransitioning is the issue is misplaced. It is not common. The trans lobby pushes for acceptance and understanding. It is not pushing propaganda based upon bad science or trying to mislead the public. It is the transphobic who are pushing their agenda in total ignorance to stir up fear in the larger community. It is a political issue not a medical one. It scores lots of political points by picking on a very small minority of the population who have enough difficulty defending themselves.
In my case, thanks to the election of Trump and his desire to keep the evangelical community. happy, he totally screwed up the delivery of care to trans people by eliminating national standards, and putting it in the hands of local commissions to determine everything on s case-by-case basis. It so disrupted care by the medical community that many of them were forced to withdraw from government programs. As a result, I had to opt out of Medicare and it cost me $100,000 for something that should have been fully covered. It is trans people who are the victims. And this is caused by hate and the desire to control and demonize us. A combination of the rise in bigoted Christian nationalism and people’s instinctive mistrust of trans people because they do not understand them, has led us to this state. All of the arguments from the Right are intended to discount the science and the reality of our situation. The trans lobby exists to push back against these destructive trends, not to push fad science or unproven medicine. It took us decades to get to the point where trans care is better and more available. A lot more work needs to be done. It is settled Science.