You don’t look anything like Caitlyn Jenner. That is a good thing. You are you, and the Kitty I have come to know through your writing is a warm and generous person. Just a couple of pragmatic observations since I am an older trans woman as well. I actually am 10 years older than you. Even taking into account the wig and the fact you’ve had no facial surgery, I can clearly see the transformation into a female appearance. It is amazing the ultimate effects of HRT if you give it time. I have noticed this with other trans women friends as well. Often just waiting several years is all that is necessary. As to hair the situation may not be as hopeless as you think. A year ago I had six consultations with various hair restoration specialists. Each of them cheerfully told me that they could give me 6000 follicle transplants at a cost of up to $80,000. Gulp. But I wouldn’t be happy with the result. I thought, why are they even pushing this? In desperation I started reading up on hair health and discovered that biotin taken daily plus various hair nutrient formulations from such places as Keranique or Hair La Vie we’re available and touted to do wonders. In desperation and not really expecting much I gave them a try. The results have been unbelievable. It was something I never would’ve expected. I now have enough of my own hair that I may need little in the way of restoration and I can see new follicles developing and growing. I gave up my wig months ago and let my hairdresser do her thing. Don’t despair. Give some of these remedies a try and you may be amazed at the result. All of us, even those of us on a limited budget, can afford it.
Shifting gears a bit, I am a big woman and my breasts stalled out at a small C cup. If I were shorter, they would be fine. Because of my size they’re going to need some help for most of my day-to-day outfits. However, I discovered that some of my sundresses that tie below my breasts accentuate them enough that I am actually quite shapely. Another pleasant surprise. As time goes on I am discovering that I can do a lot with very little. You obviously are well developed enough to attract men’s attention. I suspect you would be very comely in the right outfit. I for one am a big fan. You always have something to share that I find comforting or gives me hope. Keep it up. We need counterpoints to the internalized transphobia of people like Caitlyn Jenner.