You sound like the kind of guy that I would be interested in meeting and getting to know better. There is always a certain amount of sexual tension between men and women because of the possibilities presented.
As to the unpleasant women you met, can you really blame them? When you spend your whole life meeting people who just want to seduce you and have no interest in you as a person, a certain amount of subconscious defensiveness sets in. I think this is reasonable and to be expected in some instances, especially among those women who have been treated badly by their partners. Being a woman myself, we are all looking for people to love and cherish and who love and cherish us in return. But we do tend to get skeptical after encountering guys who just want to use us all too often.
I liken it to the kicked dog syndrome. Have you ever met an animal who was very shy or even hostile when you tried to show it affection? Frequently these are animals who have been physically maltreated and assume that they will be beaten or otherwise abused. It takes a while to gain their trust, if at all. A hand reached out in affection is viewed as the beginning of pain. If guys had a better understanding that women feel much the same way after so many unsatisfactory encounters with them, they might have a better understanding of why some women seem to be so hostile or skeptical.
Most women desire to connect and be treasured by their partner. They want to love them in return and treat them as special. Unfortunately, the power dynamic in society creates a culture where men view themselves as entitled to access to women. It is this unequal social paradigm that is the problem. Where the man and the woman both like and respect one another, the possibilities can be wonderful.