Your article is timely. I was at a convenience store today and saw a rather modest beat up car with a very large sticker in the rear window, stating that “Guns save lives“ with a picture of a 9 mm and an AR-15 underneath it. My first thought was what an idiot.
All someone has to do is to read every day about the random violence that occurs in this country because of guns. I don’t remember any of the articles talking about how a responsible owner had used one to save his or someone else’s life. Guns don’t save lives; they take them. To often the victims are innocent bystanders, the object of someone’s rage, or even the owners themselves. I am a little more radical about gun control than perhaps you are. I wish we had no handguns or assault rifles in this country like they do in Australia. I think it is unlikely that American citizens will ever come to their senses in the near future however. If the general public is not disgusted by now with the news stories seemingly every day about mass shootings and random acts of violence, I don’t think they ever will.