Your article was so promising when it started out and quickly devolved into fundamentalist gibberish. The Bible is not some sort of master manufacturer’s manual with precise and accurate instructions of how to live your life. It was written by humans and it’s full of inaccuracies and ignorant, not to mention judgmental, standards that we would be appalled at today if imposed on modern society. The message of love (which gives the Bible its strength and power) is unequivocal. It is pretty well summed up in John 13:34–35. A new commandment I give to you. Love one another as I have loved you. By this all men will know you are my followers, by your love for one another. Love is unconditional. If you are imposing your judgmental Christian standards drawn verbatim from a very flawed owner’s manual to evaluate other peoples’ lives and behaviors, you do not understand love, and love is the primary directive of the Bible. Jesus did not need to describe what love is. Everyone knows it implicitly. That is the reason when you were at your father’s house people liked you. People rejected you when you were at your mother’s because of her legalistic standards. Your father modeled love. Your mother modeled judgment. Everyone knows the difference. Love. No buts… Christians, especially fundamentalist evangelicals, are not rejected because of their beliefs, but because of their abhorrent attitudes and behavior. Fortunately there are some real Christians out there who do model what Jesus commanded. Unfortunately they are far too few in number.