Your conversation with your daughter reminds me of one I had with my son and youngest daughter many years ago. We were driving in the car one day and I was playing something like a James Taylor or Eagles CD. It was the early 90s. My kids asked me why I always listen to geezer music. At that time they were into the Cranberries and Nirvana and Green Day. I never acquired a taste for any of them. Six or seven years later when they learned to drive and borrowed my car, I noticed when they returned that I was missing a lot of CDs. James Taylor, the Beatles, Jimmy Buffett and others. When I confronted them, they admitted that they took the CDs. I said why? I thought it was geezer music. They said that they kind of liked it. By then the musicians they enjoyed previously were long gone from their collections. Amazing what a couple of years can do to change the perspective and smugness of the young.